Sunday 6 October 2013

Today is Sunday and while I no longer attend services I do on occasion miss it. When I was a young man I dreamed of standing in the pulpit with arms raised and leading the congregation to a better understanding of God, the Bible and the good life. After a lifetime of study and a biblical revelation I had a change of faith. I never lost faith in the belief that a divine being existed only in the identity of that entity. It is not the God of any organized religious denomination but a power and an intellect that cannot be defined by man. It existed in the dark emptiness of space for time without measure before the design, creativity and evolution of the universal cosmos began. It is responsible for the laws and principles that govern and control the action, reaction and interaction of all that exists. Within that realm there is no good or evil only cause and effect. Unlike the God of religion it requires no worship, gifts or servitude. It exists in solitude. However the gods of man and religion however require service, honor, gifts and sacrifices to satisfy their egos. There is a plausible explanation for this disparity but it must be understood  from a different biblical perspective.

That perspective in one I shall attempt to explain in the days to come. My explanation will be based on and can be verified by biblical scripture. This of course will only be of benefit if the reader if the reader believes that what is written in scripture came directly from their God and considered a divine truth. That being said then logically what is written, even though it was written by man, mean exactly what God said and says exactly what he means. There can be no interpretation by man unless man considers himself more qualified to explain the words and thoughts of God than  God himself.

Scripture indicates that there are three main individuals referred to as gods, the Divine Creator, the Lord God and the God of Abraham. Because of a gross misunderstanding by early man out of fear, ignorance and superstition these  three individuals have been united into one entity creating one supreme god worshipped by most organized religions denominations.

Once a religious disciple recognizes that these individuals exist as separate entities  their religious perspective will change and the true identity of the biblical gods, the biblical story and the reason  for man existence become a simple truth. When I understood the difference I had a change of faith. But it is not my intent to change the faith of any individual but to present to them my finding and let them decide for themselves what they wish to believe and accept. My change of faith gave me a sense of peace; spiritual and emotional harmony. Perhaps it will do the same for those who take the time to read and consider and try to understand what is to follow.

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