Wednesday 16 October 2013

Throughout history there have been many attempts by man to formulate an acceptable theory that would explain the process of creation and man's place in the grand order of things. They have all faded except three. Creationism, Evolution and the latest Intelligent Design. Individually each has merit but lacks the necessary substance to stand alone because each is a part of the one theory that helps to explain it all. That theory has no name. Creation as complex and interactive as it is could not have began with an Intelligent Design which took eons of time to develop. Creation in all of its dimensions is the fulfillment that design. It is still an on going process where the existing dimensions of creation continue to evolve through a trail and error process as it seeks to reach perfection established in the beginning by that design. The evolution of the universe cosmos is an excepted scientific fact. The evolution of life is also an accepted fact of nature but has its opponents especially the religious right. They do not accept the fact that any new design in nature even by the creator could have flaws that need to be tested and eliminated. Man himself is a prime example. Upon his creation he had flaws that need to be removed if he was to reach divine perfection. He is evolving if not physical or mentally than spiritually. Nature or organic life is also evolving. The survival of any species is depended on their ability to adapt to the changing biological process and environmental that effect their lives and survival. As these life forms evolved improved and adaptable they survive. This is the theory of evolution which would not have been possible without creation or Intelligent Design. 

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