Wednesday 16 October 2013

Throughout history there have been many attempts by man to formulate an acceptable theory that would explain the process of creation and man's place in the grand order of things. They have all faded except three. Creationism, Evolution and the latest Intelligent Design. Individually each has merit but lacks the necessary substance to stand alone because each is a part of the one theory that helps to explain it all. That theory has no name. Creation as complex and interactive as it is could not have began with an Intelligent Design which took eons of time to develop. Creation in all of its dimensions is the fulfillment that design. It is still an on going process where the existing dimensions of creation continue to evolve through a trail and error process as it seeks to reach perfection established in the beginning by that design. The evolution of the universe cosmos is an excepted scientific fact. The evolution of life is also an accepted fact of nature but has its opponents especially the religious right. They do not accept the fact that any new design in nature even by the creator could have flaws that need to be tested and eliminated. Man himself is a prime example. Upon his creation he had flaws that need to be removed if he was to reach divine perfection. He is evolving if not physical or mentally than spiritually. Nature or organic life is also evolving. The survival of any species is depended on their ability to adapt to the changing biological process and environmental that effect their lives and survival. As these life forms evolved improved and adaptable they survive. This is the theory of evolution which would not have been possible without creation or Intelligent Design. 

Monday 14 October 2013

Before I begin dissecting the scriptures it should be noted that what we know or understand about the beginning of creation came from the writings of prophets who are said to have quoted or written what was given to them by their god. Our biblical inspiration comes from  the writings of Moses who received his information from Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob not the Lord God responsible for the creation of man. Both entities were according to scripture flesh and blood mortal beings which simply means they were capable of death. To confirm this hypostasis I refer you to Rev. 1:18; I am he that liveth, and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore, Amen and have the keys of hell and of death not of life and paradise. These gods of man are not all-powerful immortal beings but merely another life form created during the fifth creation cycle ages before that life form came to this planet and created ma in their image and after their likeness.Regardless of the age and wisdom of that entity it was not alive at the beginning and could only relate to Moses what it believed to be that beginning. Therefore what was given to Moses and written scripture is hearsay evidence but when compared with the scientific and technical knowledge we have today that descriptive beginning has validity.

The church teaches and many denominations believe that creation began and was completed in six days. This is based on the idea that the Divine Creator worked, was tired and had to rest.  and it because the Creator is said to have rested on the seventh. (Gen.:2:1). They believed this out of a complete misunderstanding of the words day and night. If logic prevails and it does than when man was created it was the end of the sixth time period and the beginning of the seventh to what goal I have no idea. 

Before creation began we can only assume, because we do not know, that somewhere within the deep dark abyss of space a power and an intellect beyond our understanding existed for thousands of millennium. How many we do not know. But from what we can assume based upon scripture is that what is described as a day and a night was not a twenty four hour time span. That refers to a single rotation of the planet, basically twelve hours of darkness and twelve hour of light.

Creative time is different. According to science and technology the universe is estimated to be approximately 13 to 14 billion years old. The planet earth at 6. Since the earth is dry land and did not appeared during the third day and the sun and stars in the fourth there is a discrepancy in the belief of the church.

In the empty darkness of space only the power and spirit of God moved, nothing else existed. Gen. 1:2. The spirit and creation began with the creation of energy identified to Moses as light. .It is a misunderstood word. To most individuals it is the reflection of energy that allows them to see and identify what they can see.This is a misconception. Light is energy and cannot be seen. What we describe and understand as light is merely the reflection of the energy spectrum that is not absorbed by an object. The creation of energy was good because it is said to divide the light from the darkness. The light is call day and the darkness night. This was the first Day when the creative process of light was completed.

Then another period of darkness began when the energy of the electromagnetic spectrum became the basic building block used to create the firmament that began the separation of the cosmos. This was the creative time of atoms, molecules, elements, gases and  compounds that became the matter that made up the galaxies and gases of the nebular of the universe. This was the second day when the creator began to create and establish the laws and principles that control and govern the action, interaction and reaction of all that exists.

When matter became compounds, gathered together and became dry land organic life began, not on earth because earth did not exist at the time but throughout the universe. The completion of this process was the end of the third day and the beginning of the fourth period of evolution.Biblical darkness or Night refers to a time of creation. Biblical Day refer to the completion of any phase.

Note that in scripture Gen. 1:19 it refers to a time period first as the evening and then  as the morning of a new day, a time when what has been created was tested. What adjusted and survived continued to evolve. What did not was eliminated. 

It was not until the fourth time period when matter and energy combined did the stars and planets evolve. Now that there was a type of energy that could support organic life capable of movement and reproduction life began throughout the universe. This idea is supported by several passages of scripture. One is that at the beginning of the sixth time period a Living Creature evolved. It was that creature who eventually came to this planet and created a sub-species of itself, one capable of existing and surviving on this particular planet. The biblical leader of those creatures was the Lord God. Accompanying him were the so called angels and another and different life form the Cherubim and Seraphim.

At the end of the creative process of the sixth time period man  was created. Why and how will be discussed in next the next time period.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

For the reader to understand what is to come it is necessary to establish a common ground we both can relate to. For most religious denominations the Christian Bible is considered to be sacred because it is believed to be the holy and infallible words of a divine god. What was written in the beginnings was supposed to be absolute and therefore unchangeable. But man in his inestimable has deem himself better qualified to explain the message of God than God himself. The collection of religious books, writings and documents used to support the belief in the existence of a god has over the time undergone many translations. There was the Old Syriac, the Coptic and Old Latin, which was translated from the Septuagend, the Greek version, a Roman Catholic Bible in the second century. This was followed by the Peshito Syriac in the fourth century.

The Vulgate, a revision of the Old Latin appeared in 383 followed by the Ethioptic, Armenian and Gothic in the fifth century. In the ninth century Arabic and Slavic version appeared.

With the growth of the Papacy the Bible fell into general disuse supplanted by the degrees and dogma of councils and Popes. When the reformation came it brought a renewed interest in the Bible. It became necessary to translate the Bible into many languages.

From 1382 to 1958 there were sixteen different version and translations in print and used by the desires and opinions of the different religious congregations.

I prefer the King James version translated from the old Aramaic in 1611.A. D.

When I refer to scripture it will be from that translation. Now tat we are on the same page

Sunday 6 October 2013

Today is Sunday and while I no longer attend services I do on occasion miss it. When I was a young man I dreamed of standing in the pulpit with arms raised and leading the congregation to a better understanding of God, the Bible and the good life. After a lifetime of study and a biblical revelation I had a change of faith. I never lost faith in the belief that a divine being existed only in the identity of that entity. It is not the God of any organized religious denomination but a power and an intellect that cannot be defined by man. It existed in the dark emptiness of space for time without measure before the design, creativity and evolution of the universal cosmos began. It is responsible for the laws and principles that govern and control the action, reaction and interaction of all that exists. Within that realm there is no good or evil only cause and effect. Unlike the God of religion it requires no worship, gifts or servitude. It exists in solitude. However the gods of man and religion however require service, honor, gifts and sacrifices to satisfy their egos. There is a plausible explanation for this disparity but it must be understood  from a different biblical perspective.

That perspective in one I shall attempt to explain in the days to come. My explanation will be based on and can be verified by biblical scripture. This of course will only be of benefit if the reader if the reader believes that what is written in scripture came directly from their God and considered a divine truth. That being said then logically what is written, even though it was written by man, mean exactly what God said and says exactly what he means. There can be no interpretation by man unless man considers himself more qualified to explain the words and thoughts of God than  God himself.

Scripture indicates that there are three main individuals referred to as gods, the Divine Creator, the Lord God and the God of Abraham. Because of a gross misunderstanding by early man out of fear, ignorance and superstition these  three individuals have been united into one entity creating one supreme god worshipped by most organized religions denominations.

Once a religious disciple recognizes that these individuals exist as separate entities  their religious perspective will change and the true identity of the biblical gods, the biblical story and the reason  for man existence become a simple truth. When I understood the difference I had a change of faith. But it is not my intent to change the faith of any individual but to present to them my finding and let them decide for themselves what they wish to believe and accept. My change of faith gave me a sense of peace; spiritual and emotional harmony. Perhaps it will do the same for those who take the time to read and consider and try to understand what is to follow.